Ready. Set. Fly!

After conquering the zipline! Ever imagine what it would be like to fly over a street in Indy? I mean I never really thought about it until I heard the zipline was coming for the Super Bowl festivities. I wouldn’t say I am scared of heights, I love roller coasters. But let me tell you, I was a little nervous about this one. After getting all strapped in and helmet on, it was time for me to walk up what seemed like 300 flights of stairs. (After doing a little research, I learned it’s 7 stories high) Here is what makes it worse, the stairs were the steal stairs that you could totally see right through. So as I was walking up all of the stairs, I could see everything below me. Let’s just say I was hanging on for dear life. And then you get to the very top…holy cow. Breath. Taking . 1. breath taking - it was so beautiful to see the city and all of the people up there. 2. breath taking - HOLY COW I AM SO HIGH AND ABOUT TO JUM...