Fifty Shades (but mainly days) of Healtier Ashlyn
Oh, how I tried to come up with a clever title when I realized we are officially 50 days in! Nope. It's not happening today. Part of me can't believe it's been 50 days...while another part of me is like, what?! ONLY 50 DAYS? Yep....50 days friends. So where I am in terms of my goal? Well, we have two scales in our house that are EXACTLY three pounds off from each other. So, according to one scale I am nearly 22 pounds down from my start weight. My favorite scale has me at 25 pounds lighter (I bet you can now tell why that scale is my favorite). I have a doctors appointment on Monday so that will be the true test. Alright, so we're making progress. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. You always want progress to happen much faster than it actually does. It actually took me looking back at my 33 days blog to see that I've lost ten more pounds since then. It sure doesn't seem like it. I'm ready to put the clothes on I own and for the...