Slowly but surely.
I'm starting to sense a trend. I feel like I've been starting every blog with, "Where has the month gone?" But in all seriousness, I cannot believe it's almost June. I think I secretly keep hoping May will be a little longer so I can drop a few more pounds.... So April wasn't a great month for me, or at least I felt like it wasn't. I lost a total of 7 pounds. I wasn't happy but the more I reflect back on April, the more happy I am about the 7 pounds. Seven pounds is still a good dent. It's better than gaining weight. It's better than -5 pounds. I have to remember that I'm over half way to my goal (I'm at 63% of my goal..but who's counting!). I should be proud of that...although as I'm typing all of this, I'm starting to rethink my goal. My initial goal was -73 pounds....I'm thinking my new goal is going to be -90 pounds. I picked my first goal because I knew it would be a lot of hard work and I would be happy at that ...