Surviving the dentist.

I feel like people either like or hate the dentist. And I fall into the hate group. I have never been a fan. There's just something about the smell, the fluoride (NASTY!), the latex gloves in my mouth. Ewwww. After 2 years of procrastination it was time to face my fears. I went to the dentist and survived the cleaning...but the found out I had my first cavity. NOOOOOOOOOO!

As you can imagine, I was terrified. Like shaking. I had a lot of friends and coworkers help calm me down, but as soon as I walked in to the office I started shaking. I did get the pleasure of looking at this lady sitting across from my who looked like a hott mess. I thought to my self, "There is no way you look this bad Ashlyn. No way." I then overheard a conversation a girl was having next to me about how anatomy class is just way too hard. Here's a clip of her conversation -  "Like there's so much memorizing. I didn't really study for the first test so I failed. I studied for the 2nd one and got like a 70%. I just feel like I have to memorize everything." WOW. Really? I was a Comm major and knew anatomy was all about memorizing. But I'd like to thank her ignorance for distracting me from my fear of the dentist. And then they called my name. I'm officially freaking out again.

Long story short, here's what went down. The hygienist asks me how I'm doing. Naturally I say fine (although I am far beyond fine). When we get to the room I said, "Ok. I have to be honest. I'm not fine. I'm terrified. Like scared straight. And I'm terrified of needles." And then I have tears trickling down my face. Embarrassing. I'm an adult. Crying in the dentist office. Get it together Ashlyn. The next 30 minutes were the fastest yet slowest 30 minutes of my life. And honestly, there was no pain. It was not even close to what I imagined. I just kept my eyes closed tight the whole time and blared my Broadway tunes. Defying Gravity totally saved the day. After I was finished I was so proud of my grown up self that I was half tempted to take a goodie from the kiddy treasure box. I survived the dentist. And my first cavity. I totally deserved a sticker for that.

So you can take what you want out of this. There's really no life lesson here. I mean I guess it's totally fine to be a baby in certain situations. And hopefully they'll end up way easier/better than you expected. It's ok to be scared of the dentist. I'm not as scared as I once was, but it's not my favorite thing in the world either.
Or you can just read this entry and make fun of my loser self. No biggie.


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