Be My Bridesmaid?!

We are finally making some progress on the wedding front! And no, the date is not one of them. But I do have plans to have that by the end of summer (which is quickly approaching).

We have started asking our wedding party if they'd like to join us for our special day. There were so many things to think about- who do we want? What will they wear? And most importantly, how will I ask them? (the bridesmaids of course) With the popularity of Pinterest on the rise, I once again felt the pressure on how I would ask the ladies to be my bridemaids. I seriously spent forever on this. I even created a secret board on Pinterest with my ideas. I'm here to say I finally figured out the way I wanted to ask my ladies. I knew the key for me was it had to be cute, match my colors, and be personal.

Once I had compiled a list of things I wanted in the box, it was time to write a little note. I decided to be super cheesy and write a poem for their boxes. All I have to say is thank goodness for finding awesome font on Pinterest! This made everything look so much cuter. I also decided to add an own stamp by their names since owls are one of my all time favorites. I think they would have been shocked if there wasn't at least one owl in their boxes.

Next up, I wanted to give the girls a brief introduction of each other. Many of them already know each other but I thought this was a nice way for all of them the know who we decided to be in the wedding. I found a great ring stamp at Hobby Lobby and knew I had to use it somewhere.

I had already decided what I wanted the girls to wear for their dresses- I wanted them to pick out their own. I did need to give them some guidelines of course! I found a dress outline clip art online and filled in my own text. I added some purple washi tape on the dress to add a little color.

I took a trip to my local Michael's to pick up for photo boxes to hold of my goodies. This was where I ran into a minor problem. I knew exactly what I wanted. And of course they only had 2 of that pattern. So I ended up picking out 3 different boxes (you'll see them with the girls at the end of the post). While I was at Michael's I found these adorable letter stickers I knew I needed- even if they didn't exactly match my colors.

Next stop was to Lowe's at pick up some paint swatches. As you may have seen in some of my other posts, I love using paint swatches. Since I am letting my girls pick out their dresses I wanted to give them some examples to go by. I knew that I didn't want just any color pink or purple walking down the aisle. Hence where the paint swatches came in! This was pretty easy to do. I cut them down to the same size and used double sided tape to stick them together. The twine is just to add a little something something to them.

Next- time to assemble!

I had already started shopping around for the items inside the box:
- Paint swatches
- twine
- paper crinkles for filler ( most were the kraft color but some girls had purple)
- Sephora OPI purple nail polish (everyone had different shades)
- Calendar- notice the owl?!
- Ring pop
- Post-its (it's the "C' in this box. Each girl got the post-its for their name. This one was Courtney's)
- Glow stick
- Mason jar
- Straws
- Chalk board paint
- Laffy taffy (used to fill the jars)

So the mason jars did not come like that...I did it all myself. Ok, well not all. This is where Brandon came in. I painted the chalkboard paint on the jars while Brandon drilled holes in the lid for the straws. Yay team work!

I placed my poem and "Meet the Girls" pieces on the lids of the boxes. Ta da!

I was pretty lucky on the costs of the boxes. Here's a quick list of the prices so if you decide you want to do something similar you know how much to budget.**I did use coupons on a lot of my purchases or shopped during a sale.

- Paint swatches- FREE
- twine- about $1.50 from Michael's (w/coupon)
- paper crinkles for filler - $1 per package at Dollar Tree. I used a total of 7 packages
- Photo boxes- $2 each at Michael's (on sale)
- Sephora OPI purple nail polish- I was lucky enough to get this on sale for $4.50
- Calendar- $1 at Michael's (w/coupon I got them for 60 cents)
- Ring pop- 4/$1 at Dollar Tree
- Post-its- each $1 at Michael's
- Glow stick- 6 pack at Dollar Tree for $1
- Mason jar- $1 at Hobby Lobby (I bought these at 50% off)
- Straws- 6 pack for $1 at Michael's
- Chalk board paint- around $1 with coupon at Michael's
- Laffy taffy- $1 per pack at Dollar Tree (I used 2)

I spent around $13 a box for my girls. Not too shabby. I'm pretty pleased with how these turned out and everyone said YES! Here's to more planning- cheers!


  1. awesome idea!! how did you make the dress directions?

  2. I googled "dress outline clip art". There are a bunch of dress images so you can pick which one you like the best. Here's the link to the one I used:

    I saved it and then I opened it and added my text via Publisher.

    Hope this helps!


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