Tales of Week 2 from the Hilly, Nauseating Road.

Here's another page of my journal of last year's travel adventures!

 This last week has flown by, thank goodness. These first few weeks of travel have been pretty lucky - I get to sleep in my bed most of the nights. I really can’t complain too much. I chatted with a counselor this last week who told me he’s on the road for a solid 9 weeks. His closest school is 3 hours away from his college. Yikes. That’s A LOT of travel. Suddenly life doesn’t seem so bad.

This week I had the chance to deal with some interesting students and parents. I’m so use to the typical “Hi! Let me know if you have any questions about the university.” that when someone says something I don’t expect, it totally throws off my game. So imagine with me..it’s 7:40 and your fair is almost over. You’re thinking about how you can’t wait to get in the car and drive 2 hours back to sleep in your own bed. And you’re trying to figure out what fast food sounds the most appetizing (which is a task all in its own). Then you get this father who comes up and shakes your had and says “Peace be with you”. I was so totally thrown off I just responded, “Thanks..what was your name?” Yikes. I bet my Catholic grandma was rolling in her grave in disappointment.
Let’s get to this weeks lists.

The Good
- 2 of my schools called ahead to tell me they have 0 students sign up to meet with me. Although this is a little sad, it’s also really awesome. Means more time for Ashlyn to catch up on Pretty Little Liars…don’t judge.
- Netflix. Thank goodness for the genius creation.
- I had the chance to visit the happiest place on earth…yep…Disney. Only I didn’t visit it physically. Just had the chance to talk about my memories of that wonderful place. Ah….I want to go now.
- I did get to visit Santa Claus, IN. If you don’t already know, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! This was one of the best days ever.
- Not too sure where this one falls - I was encouraged to use the men’s faculty bathroom. It’s not that I’ve never used a men’s bathroom before..but most times I have used it, alcohol has been involved.
- Some college fairs are nice enough to provide you with a great dinner..but there’s a bad to this one. (See The Bad, #3)

The Bad
- I encountered the world’s slowest hairdryer. Seriously. I think if I blew on my hair it would dry faster. I must give a shout out to Pinterest for teaching me how to master the sock bun. That style saved my hair all week.
- In week 1, I mentioned lunch visits and how they’re already bad enough. But here’s where it gets worse. Middle school lunch. AHHHH!! Someone save me.
- Free food at college fairs is also like finding a table to sit at on the first day of school…everyone is already sitting there making friends, and enters you…with your sad little plate looking helpless.
- When you see a kid eating alone at lunch. This is when I want to yell at every kid in the cafeteria and tell them to eat lunch with this poor little guy. So you know me, I made an attempt to talk to him. Let’s just say that didn’t work out so great. I think he likes to keep to himself. Failed attempt.

The Ugly
-Gangnam Style is ALL over the radio. When I first heard this song, I swear I heard condom star. Now go back and listen to it and tell me I’m wrong.
- Severe t-storms. Let’s just say when there’s hail, at night, and you have a terrified Ashlyn, the Broadway station on Sirius becomes a best friend. I spent some quality time with that station. And yes, I did sing at the top of my lungs. No shame.
- Have I mentioned middle schoolers?! I sat there and watched these wild animals run crazy on the cafeteria. And then I sat there and wondered “Was I this bad?!”…and then I heard the f-bomb a few times and told myself “No..no Ashlyn. You were not this bad.” I could never be a teacher.


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