I've never been a fan of Halloween. Ever. When I was a child, I was terrified of a paper witch my parents would hang up in our house at Halloween. I also HATED going down the Halloween aisle with all of the masks. It wasn't until just a few years ago I finally walked down that aisle. Embarrassing? Only slightly. Want to know what's even more embarrassing? The Haunted Mansion at Disney World scared the bageezous out of me. I'm a totally scaredy cat. Any time of the year. But especially this time of the year. What makes it even worse- Halloween is my fiance's favorite holiday. So to get in the spirit of celebrating things that terrify me, I decided it was time to make another wreath. I am proud to say that Brandon helped me on this one too! How cute is this wreath? Ok, I can't take all of the credit for this. I need to give a shout out to Pinterest for helping me come up with this wreath. (Here's the link for my inspiration.) Wondering what I used f...